Mr. Haterworth


Donald Trump has an issue with black women. He’s said time and time again that Representative Maxine Waters has a low IQ, he’s feuded with a Gold Star mother who is black and the black congresswoman who defended her, Frederica Wilson. He claimed Stacey Abrams was “unqualified” to be governor of Georgia, despite the fact she was deputy city attorney in Atlanta and has been a member of the Georgia House of Representatives since 2007 and Minority Leader in the House since 2011, which is more government and political experience than hosting a reality TV show.

Of course, Trump doesn’t like black people in general. Before the midterms, he called Florida’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum a “thief.” He’s black, so he must be stealing something, right? Trump issues juvenile insults toward all races, but there’s an extra special zeal he puts into it when it comes to black women. When those black women are journalists, well it just gets worse.

Last week, Trump attacked three female journalists in a derisive manner for their audacity of asking him questions.

CNN’s Abby Phillip asked Trump if his acting-Attorney General would “rein in” Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Trump responded with, “What a stupid question that is. What a stupid question. I watch you a lot. You ask a lot of stupid questions.” It wasn’t a stupid question, and he didn’t answer it.

He went after American Urban Radio Networks’ April Ryan for asking him a question about alleged voter suppression in the midterm elections. Trump shouted at her, “Sit down! I didn’t call you. Such a hostile media, it’s so sad. You rudely interrupted him,” he told her, referring to another reporter.

Later, he threatened to pull her White House press credentials, as he did with CNN’s Jim Acosta. “You talk about someone who’s a loser. She doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing. She gets publicity and then she gets a pay raise, or she gets a contract with, I think, CNN. But she’s very nasty and she shouldn’t be. You’ve got to treat the White House and the office of the presidency with respect.” Yes, treating the White House and office of the presidency with respect is a great idea. Unfortunately, screaming at reporters doesn’t do that.

A few moments after screaming at Ryan, he screamed at PBS NewsHour’s Yamiche Alcindor for asking about his recent characterization of himself as “a nationalist” and whether that label was “emboldening white nationalists.” Trump told her, “I don’t know why you say that, that is such a racist question.” Racists always believe it’s racist to point out their racism.

Personally, I’d love to see Trump get stuck in an elevator with Madea.

Creative note: I originally had this idea with Aunt Jemima, but I wasn’t sure if they still, or ever, had a bottle in the shape of a woman. I also wasn’t too sure about this idea. Then, while watching football and eating hot wings at a bar yesterday, I saw the new commercial of KFC’s Colonel dancing with Mrs. Butterworth. I think the cartoon gods were using that disturbing commercial to tell me I had to do this cartoon, and that I was confusing Aunt Jemima with Mrs. Butterworth. Maybe racist corporate mascots all look alike to me.

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