Looting And Gouging


Along with the scattered reports of looting throughout the state of Florida, there have been over 8,000 complaints of price gouging during and after Hurricane Irma.

The complaints have been over water, ice, food, and fuel, but there have also been accusations of airlines, hotels, and even Disney hiking prices. Mickey isn’t a mouse, he’s a rat.

There were reports of gas being as high as eight bucks a gallon in Texas after Hurricane Harvey and up to $7.00 in Florida. There were additional reports of a case of water being sold for $99.00.

Some people, we’ll call them “assholes,” defend price gouging. They say it restricts people to purchase just what they need, thus leaving essential supplies for other people. There are also arguments that without price gouging then entrepreneurs and business people wouldn’t have any incentive to sell supplies during a hurricane.

One of the jerks at the Daily Caller, a website that caters to conservative assholes, was defending the hiking of airline prices. The jerk wrote, “Let’s accept that the lives of wealthier Floridians are neither more nor less valuable than any others. Indeed, Hurricane Irma is not the Titanic. But the evacuation of the largest number of Irma refugees is more important than ensuring that everyone has an equal chance at escape – not only to maximize immediate rescue but because minimizing the number of people remaining after the storm greatly eases the clean-up effort.

And if the goal is to facilitate the escape of the highest number, airlines need not apologize for raising prices, even sky-high.

It’s true that some Americans (mostly Democrats) value equality more than human flourishing, but their position is reprehensible. The goal should get the most people out of harm’s way, and if that means a greater percentage of them are wealthy, so be it.”

Only a Republican could write that shit. That guy would have been great at selecting people for the Titanic’s lifeboats. I don’t know if I’m more disgusted by his comments, or that I had to click on a link to the Daily Caller.

I am a bleeding-heart liberal and I can be naive about some things. For instance, I believe that corporate America should practice being good Americans and community citizens, and focus on saving lives instead of profits during a disaster. What a foolish and silly concept.

In the early 1990s, I was in an ice storm in Mississippi. Ice storms suck and Mississippi is the last state that can handle an ice storm. I had a neighbor who I had never spoken with. I was not interested in getting to know the guy, and he probably felt the same about me. I just didn’t have a reason until the ice storm. Do you know when you finally talk to that neighbor you never had any plans of ever talking to? When his tree has fallen across your driveway. We not only talked, but we chainsawed that shit together and got it out of my driveway. He was very nice about it, though of course, it was his tree.

That’s what neighbors do. They help during disasters. I’m sure if it wasn’t his tree that he still would have helped removed it. Corporate America, airlines, hotels, 7-11, and Disneyland need to stop being dicks and assholes and try to be good neighbors.

And whatever you don’t. don’t go to the Daily Caller. It’s like Breitbart Lite. It’s got all the stupid and lies, but only half the racism.

I want to thank everyone who has donated in the past. Your support helps me continue creating cartoons and columns with a little less stress in my life. Between competing syndicates with much larger resources, timid editors, and Trump supporters who attempt to intimidate the editors who do publish anything that criticizes their idol, it’s a challenge to make a career out of this. So your support (if you can) is appreciated. Want to help me continue to create cartoons and keep doing what I’m doing (pissing off conservatives)? Look to the right of this page and make a donation through PayPal. Every $40 donation will receive a signed print. All donations will receive my eternal gratitude.

7 thoughts on “Looting And Gouging

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  1. I’m so confused. Maybe you can help me, Clay. How the H-E-DOUBLE-HOCKEY STICKS does raising the price of airline tickets to an amount out of reach for many people help the greater number of people evacuate??

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great blog, Clay, as always! I live in the suburbs of Houston, and I have to give credit to a couple of large companies that went above and beyond during Hurricane Harvey – HEB (TX food chain) and Gallery Furniture. When HEB ran out of unleaded gas, they sold the premium grade at the same price. They had some items marked way down (i.e. bread) and some items free ( 2 bags of ice per customer). While the competing store, Kroger’s, closed their doors because they couldn’t get enough employees to staff the place. HEB brought in employees from other stores to keep the shelves stocked. It was a well-oiled process! Gallery Furniture (“Mattress Mac”) opened his furniture showrooms and welcomed the homeless. He serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to all of his customers every day, and he continued to do it during the storm. Obviously, those two stores will prosper for a long time. People remember how you treat them.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow. How do you suppose that Disney World didn’t do their part? They opened up their empty rooms for people (AND THEIR PETS) who needed a safe place to evacuate to. Yes, they charged $20 dollars for buffets in *all* of their resorts. But those buffets normally cost $15 – $60+ depending on the resort you are at. In addition to that, WDW invited the characters to visit with the children to help keep them occupied during the hurricane so that they wouldn’t be scared. So, let me recap for you.
    1) Disney invited evacuees into the safety of their walls since they know that they’ve been rated by NOAA to be the safest place in a natural disaster such as a hurricane.
    2) Disney opened their doors to all pets rather than turning them away like other companies, thus giving them a safe place to be *with their families* during the storm.
    3) Disney offered food for minimal cost, and at a financial loss to themselves.

    Please remember that Disney is a business, and they didn’t HAVE to help as many people and animals as they did. But they did because it’s the right thing to do. Also, make sure that you’ve actually contacted someone at Disney to gather facts before you spread false rumors. As a travel agent, I’ve been in contact with Disney. As a Disney Vacation Club member who is concerned about my property, I’ve been in contact with Disney.


    1. Glad to hear if Disney was doing some good things. I’ve been wary of them ever since their TV ads years ago that gave a number to call for info, and it wasn’t an 800 number (so you’d have to pay to find out how to go there and give them money hand over fist). Everybody else had an 800 number, and it seemed pretty tacky that Disney didn’t.

      Liked by 1 person

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