Trump Boos

You may have heard from Trump goons that he walked into the Libertarian convention to a chorus of boos but by the end of his speech, he won the crowd over and was being cheered. This is the latest narrative from the world of MAGATs that defies reality.

Last week, the MAGAts said he had a crowd in New Jersey that was larger than any for a Bruce Springsteen concert, They claimed the crowd had over 100,000 attendees while the actual crowd was less than 10,000.

A few days ago, they claimed his crowd in the Bronx was over 50,000. You may hear higher numbers as the Trump Campaign encourages Trumpers to make up their own numbers. Facts are not important just so long as they praise Trump. Trumpers have an obsession with crowd sizes believing it determines who’s more popular yet, Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. Crowd sizes don’t correlate to votes.

Another narrative to this is who’s in the crowd. For example, when they talk about him winning the Bronx, those aren’t citizens of the Bronx in the crowd, and most of the ones from the Bronx in the crowd are there mostly out of curiosity (like rubberneckers at a car crash) and don’t stay throughout the speech. In fact, it’s a thing at every Trump speech that the crowd gets smaller as he goes on.

Trump brings people to his speeches, as in, he imports them. The only red hats I saw at the convention on Friday and Saturday until around 2 P.M. were Washington Nationals caps. Around 2, it seems all the MAGAts arrived at the same time. I only talked to a couple. There’s no way in hell Trump would speak to a crowd that didn’t have sycophants in it.

Last night at the Libertarian convention, where Trump was in a room that could only hold a few hundred, he was booed. Yes, he got a cheer from the Libertarian crowd when he promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht, the mastermind behind the online drug market Silk Road, which he could have done when he was president (sic). But, he didn’t win the crowd of Libertarians over.

Many of the Libertarian delegates were promised seats in the front rows, but the MAGAts stole the seats and reluctantly gave them up when asked by the Libertarian Chairperson. Laura Loomer and other MAGAts went to Twitter to talk about the injustice of taking away their entitlement to the front-row seats at a convention that isn’t theirs.

During Trump’s speech, a fistfight broke out between a Libertarian and a MAGAt. The Libertarian was ejected while the MAGAt got to stay. It was at least the second brawl during the convention.

Many Libertarians planned to bring kazoos and squeaky rubber chickens into the hall, but the Secret Service apprehended them.

Trump kissed their asses while insulting them. He claimed he was a Libertarian, told a LOT of lies, and then asked for the Libertarian Party to…wait for it…nominate him as their candidate. He asked for this while mocking them. “Maybe you don’t want to win,” Trump said to a loud chorus of boos from the crowd. “Keep getting your three percent every four years.” He said this several times. The Laura Loomers of the MAGAt universe believe this won the crowd over. Trump was being as stupid and orange as ever.

Seriously. You know how people will say someone’s actually more beautiful in real life when you get closer to them in person than they are on TV. During the Tom Brady roast, Nikki Glaser kept saying that about Tom Brady. In real life, Trump is more orange than he appears on TV. It’s ridiculous how orange the guy is. Even across a low-lit room, his head looks like a jack-o-lantern with a racist candle inside.

This is the second time I’ve seen Trump in person. The first time was at a rally in Fredericksburg, VA. I attended with a lady friend (it was professional) and within five minutes of his “speech,” she had to get out of there as it felt like a Nazi rally. This time, I stayed for the whole thing and afterward, I was very depressed. I overheard some MAGAts as they were leaving say that this was the best speech Trump has ever given and it had the same feeling as 2016. That was the moment I got nauseous and needed an adult beverage.

I was depressed because hearing his rant in person scares me for the future. If Trump wins or is reinstalled by the Hate State, I’m fearful for this country. We should all be worried about this.

Boo. I have to go now because I want to find one of those rubber chickens.

Update: After “winning the crowd over” and receiving “cheers,” as the MAGAt talking points are now stating, Trump only received six write-in votes for the Libertarian Party’s nomination. RFK Jr got more votes than Trump.

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6 thoughts on “Trump Boos

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  1. Clay, I found the booing and jeering interesting. I bet it shocked him, since he likes to play to the home crowd. Relying on Trump for any news is a fool’s errand, especially when he is telling you how many people attended. Reminds me of his inauguration estimate he made Sean Spicer cite.

    What I found interesting last week is the Freedom Works, a Libertarian advocacy group, closed their doors due to the populist bent in the Republican party. Unlike the party, the Libertarians actually have written policies. The GOP policies are whatever Trump thinks in that 1/2 day news cycle. Last week he announced a forthcoming policy in the morning, it went over like a dud, and he changed it by afternoon.


    Liked by 5 people

  2. I like the green alien, but rather missed the pizza rat who often attends Trump rallies. Do Libertarians not approve of pizza?

    3-4% for their Party? That’s a lot of whacko! Not as many as there are MAGAts, but still…

    So, who got the nomination?

    Listening to: Robin Trower with Jack Bruce (BLT, second album).


  3. Correct me if I’m wrong, but if tfg were to be the libertarian nominee, wouldn’t that serve to split the vote to “his” detriment? Libertarian voters would gleefully yank the lever for their candidate, and would not vote for the republikkkan. So not only are tfg & company detestable, traitorous, lying, vile and foul nematodes (no offense intended to any fine and upstanding nematodes reading this), they are also even more stupid than a box of rocks (no offense intended to rocks; I love you all)


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