Republican Misery

Who’s in charge of the optics within the Grand Old Party? Whoever it is should be fired.

The party out of the White House provides a response to the president’s State of the Union address. Sometimes a good job is done and other times it’s a disaster. Who remembers Marco Rubio and the water bottle? Everybody.

Republicans thought they’d be clever and appealing to the nation if they picked a young woman to deliver the response which sounds good but they found a way to fuck that up. They literally had a woman deliver it from a kitchen in Alabama. They should have gone all the way with it and have had her barefoot and pregnant too or better yet, garbed in clothing from A Handmaid’s Tale.

Republicans chose Katie Britt, a freshman Senator from Alabama. Even before she gave her speech, the party issued talking points to its members to describe her as “America’s Mom.”

Republicans believe they’re appealing to women but looking at who they’ve chosen over the three years, Britt, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders (whose idea was that?), and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, they’re really only speaking to white evangelical women.

Britt delivered the response from her kitchen talking about Biden being “dithering” and “diminished” and gang rapes. At times, she whispered and at other times, she seemed on the verge of tears. I thought she was going to go Kavanaugh on us. She was creepy.

She talked about the Republican Party being in support of In Vitro Fertilization while representing a state that recently ruled frozen embryos are children. Did she issue an opinion on that? Of course not. Seriously, we gotta start asking every Republican if they believe frozen embryos are children. Britt didn’t mention it’s her party that overturned Roe and is currently making abortions more difficult to access in this country. Britt is representing a state that has banned abortions.

She talked about immigration too but didn’t mention that she opposes the border bill languishing in the House…that she helped negotiate. She didn’t mention she flipped on it because Donald Trump told her to.

Katie Britt was creepy. She was so creepy that Tommy Tuberville praised her performance stating, “She was picked as a housewife, not just a senator, somebody who sees it from a different perspective…I mean, she did what she was asked to do. I thought she did a good job. And it’s hard when you’ve never done anything like that.”

Britt was “picked as a housewife” and did what “she was asked to do,” all on National Women’s Day. No wonder Republicans are so viewed as out of touch with women.

It’s not that Katie Britt is so creepy, but that the entire Republican Party is creepy. Britt ended her response by telling mothers the Republican Party hears them. And they’re watching. Always watching.


Note: I think I’ve only seen Misery, the film based on a Stephen King novel, only once. It creeped me out that much. I’m surprised I can watch Kathy Bates in Waterboy after seeing her in Misery. She was very Katie Britt like in Misery.

Music note: Oddly enough, I was listening to a 90s mix and Misery by Soul Asylum started playing. Who’s watching me?

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6 thoughts on “Republican Misery

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    1. Someone else I read made that green dress connection to Serena Joy from the TV version of The Handmaid’s Tale. The cross necklace was a nice “good Christian” touch too.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. That’s just it, these bad politicians, who are trying to TAKEOVER the, entire country, are all, putting on a show, to appease to the voter, and, by choosing this woman as their, “spokesperson”, I’m thinking, that they want to, get the votes of the household wives, and, maybe, this lady will, appease to the housewives, because they’re all, not widely read, or, lives in the United States’ situation right now, and it’s more than likely, that this woman will succeed, in appease to the targeted audience too, as the targeted audience had already been, hypnotized, to allow the political party to think FOR them!


  2. You ask, “Who’s watching me?”
    Artificial Intelligence is collecting data at beyond warp speed. If you are lithium and ipad you are being “watched”.
    excellent cartoon Clay … but … Katie Britt is totally hot. I watched her kitchen homemaker speech 20 times, and I am now switching to her and Tommy Tuberville’s MAGA party. Happy, sad, laughing, almost crying, whispering seductively, and those sexy deep breaths … all in 4 minutes …. the emotional range astounding. Dayum … I am an old man … my heart can’t take this …. My wife is divorcing me because of Katie Britt … America’s Housewife …


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