Judge Temu

I purchased a sports coat from Temu a few months ago. I had heard about Temu but I must not have retained any information because I bought something from Temu. Maybe I was influenced by the $15 million Temu spent on Super Bowl ads.

Temu is a Chinese e-commerce company that sells cheap stuff. The company is not based in China. Its headquarters is in South Korea while its holdings are registered in Ireland after previously being in the Cayman Islands. But all the merchandise is shipped directly from China.

The $30 jacket I ordered took about four weeks to arrive. The company has been criticized for slow deliveries, orders never arriving, horrible customer service, unresponsive customer service, mystery charges, scammy listings, and stealing customers’ data.

The main complaint I’ve been hearing since I used the service is the lack of quality. A lot of it is outdated, counterfeit, and cheap crap. The jacket I purchased, which took a month to arrive, was cheap. I love cheap clothes but this was so horrible that even I wouldn’t wear it in public. It’s shit. But, it’s also five times extra large. I’m partly to blame for thinking I might get a decent enough sports jacket for $30. I do have another jacket I bought at Target for the same price about 15 years ago that’s low quality and kinda awesome.

Now, I’m a bigger boy than I used to be. I quit smoking right before the pandemic and in 2020, I gained over 30 pounds. I couldn’t go anywhere and couldn’t smoke, so I cooked a lot. I saw my reflection in a store window one day and suddenly realized I was fat. I proceeded to lose 30 pounds but even if I hadn’t, that jacket would still be too big for me. I’m like David Byrne in that thing. The kids will not get that reference. I’ll try to stop making sense.

I complained to Temu because I knew I ordered the correct size, around XX-large, not XXXXX-Large. Temu offered me a credit if I didn’t ship it back and since it took four weeks to arrive, I didn’t want the hassle, so I took the credit. The two problems that leave me with are what to do with a fat jacket and why would I use this credit and shop in Temu again? I like cheap stuff but I don’t like to buy useless crap. By the way, I get at least three emails a day from Temu bugging me to use that credit.

Trump’s judicial nominees must have come from Temu. Trump nominated a few judges so bad that even Senator Jon Kennedy voted against them. Unfortunately, most of Trump’s nominees cleared their hurdles thanks to Mitch McConnell. While most of us watched fucknuts such as Neil Gorsuch, cultist Amy Coney Barrett, and crybaby, calender-collector, boofing enthusiast, and would-be rapist Brett Kavanaugh lie their way onto the Supreme Court, the lower benches were filled with unqualified morons and compromised cultists. All of Trump’s 234 judges that’ll be shaping U.S. laws for decades were recommended by the Federalist Society, a right-wing legal organization that desires every federal bench to be filled by extreme goosestepping zealots. One of those is Judge (sic) Aileen Cannon.

Cannon sits on the federal bench for the Southern District of Florida. She was confirmed in November of 2020, nine days AFTER Donald Trump lost the election, and was a lame racist orange duck trying to steal the election he had just lost.

Since President William McKinley’s 1897 inauguration, the United States Senate has confirmed only 15 nominees of defeated presidents. Of those 15, 14 were Trump nominees. One of the judges out of those 14 is our girl Judge (sic) Cannon. Her legal experience before her nomination doesn’t include being a judge, but she was a member of the Federalist Society.

Somehow, she was randomly given the trial of Donald Trump stealing classified documents. Since being assigned this case, she has basically sided with Trump’s lawyers on every issue. She’s even granted them motions they didn’t request, such as assigning a special master to decide which documents can be used as evidence. That move was thrown out by a higher court which called out her ruling for being ridiculous. But if it had gone through, not only could it have thrown out tons of evidence against Trump, but had worked to delay the trial even further.

Before she appointed a special master to go through the evidence, she publicly stated she was “inclined” to do so, which was a signal to the Trump team to request one. She forbade the prosecution to have access to the evidence, thus tying their hands from preparing to try their case. How is there any doubt she’s biased and compromised in favor of Trump?

While intentionally delaying this trial, it’s also delayed because Judge (sic) Cannon is lost and doesn’t know what she’s doing. She was never a judge before given a lifetime appointment on the bench. Trump only hires the best people, right?

Yesterday, she scolded the prosecution while giving Trump’s lawyers foot massages. She’s holding hearings to determine if Trump should be gagged from making statements that encourage his followers to commit violent attacks. She has expressed skepticism that Trump’s lies about the FBI raiding MAGA-Lardo with “guns blazing” can incite the lunatics, forgetting that one did attack an FBI office after Trump attacked the bureau and its agents.

Trump and his followers claim the FBI came to kill him at MAGA-Lardo in Florida despite the fact they knew he was in New Jersey.

Judge (sic) Cannon is also considering removing Special Counsel Jack Smith on the Trump team’s argument that his appointment wasn’t legal, and even giving House Republicans oversight of the Special Counsel. I think she’s about to make some ruling that will be appealed and overturned by a higher court.

Cannon has been in Trump’s corner ever since she got this case. She needs to be removed and replaced with someone less Trumpy. She has proven she can’t be fair. Case in point, she’s the only judge Donald Trump hasn’t attacked.

The irony here is she doesn’t consider Trump’s comments on judges dangerous while she’s the only judge who hasn’t received death threats from Trumpers.

Judge (sic) Aileen Cannon is the Temu of judges and should be removed from this case and the bench just like that five-time fat jacket should be removed from my closet.

By the way, does anyone want a low-quality five-time fat jacket? It’s black.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I have five copies and you can order yours, signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com. You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only 16 copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00

Tip Jar: If you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com. You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

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5 thoughts on “Judge Temu

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  1. Cannon is aptly named. She is the most powerful legal weapon Trump has in his fight to autocracize Amertica. This case should have been over months ago, with Trump in a cell. Instead, the fight drags on, and on, and on…Chances are if he retakes the White House it will disappear into the Twilight Zone.

    Liked by 7 people

  2. Clay, maybe you could donate your Temu jacket to the Temu judge to wear as a robe? It seems ‘fitting’ – pun intended. Btw, I happen to love Temu, but not for their clothes. I like their kitchen gadgets, gardening supplies (they have great weeders that are so sharp you could take off a toe if you aren’t careful), their cat and dog toys are a good deal, and I even bought some succulent plants that arrived in excellent condition! I wish I’d never heard of Temu – I’ve become addicted, especially when my stress and depression are high. I’ve found the customer service to be pretty good, delivery is slow but within the time limits they set for themselves, and the quality of the products I’ve purchased has been good (for the most part). Ok, I’m starting to sound like an advertisement, so I’m done. 😉

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I’ve purchased some things for my cat on Temu and have shared some of the toys with other’s in the apartment building that have cats. I only buy clothes from online women’s clothes companies the same one for many years now.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I usually buy various art and papercraft supplies from Temu. Our cat passed away a few years ago, but I’m looking forward to adopting a pair of bonded kittens at some point, and getting some new cat toys.

      Liked by 1 person

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