Biden’s Pick

Here’s your cartoon for this week’s CNN Opinion newsletter. Please sign up to get these in your inbox every Sunday. The funniest thing about this cartoon is that a few people who left comments about it on social media took it seriously. They were like, "No, we can't trust her. She's a Trump." and, "I would prefer... Continue Reading →

Slippery When Stupid

Gerald Ford was a clumsy president. And I'm not talking with policy though that Nixon pardon was a huge mess, but Ford literally fell down the steps of Air Force One. He had a bum knee from playing college football and maybe the steps were wet. Shit happens, right? But he also fell UP the... Continue Reading →

Defund The Police

This cartoon should ignite a lot of debate on social media over the next few days. A lot of Black Lives Matter protesters are calling for defunding the nation's police departments. There's a lot of talk about what that means exactly and concerns Donald Trump and Republicans will milk it for the 2020 presidential campaign.... Continue Reading →

The Voting Blue No Matter Who Blues

Here’s your cartoon for CNN’s weekly newsletter, Provoke/Persuade. Please sign up to get these in your inbox every Sunday for the rest of your life. A friend and fellow cartoonist is having a major freakout over Joe Biden probably being the Democratic Party's nominee. I'm using him as an example because he's the perfect case of a liberal freakout.... Continue Reading →

Conspiracy Pox

I would really love it if Democrats would stop sounding like Donald Trump supporters. It's bad enough that Vladimir Putin is helping Bernie Sanders because he believes that's the best way to help Donald Trump. It's just as bad that Bernie Bro's are online dicks and trolls. And then, you even have Bernie complaining about... Continue Reading →

Hard Ballin’ For Biden

I'm going to state something that will make Bernie Sanders' supporters unhappy. What the Democrats are doing in joining together to support Joe Biden isn't wrong. It's not a bad thing. It's not fixing, gaming, or corrupting the system. This is not the Democratic Party denying the nomination to Bernie. These are individual candidates. And... Continue Reading →

Woke For Trump

There are mysteries in the world and some things you just can't explain, like how does Matthew McConaughey have an Oscar? Why? Why? Why? Doesn't make sense, does it? But you have to understand that not everything fits stereotypes and expectations, like having an Oscar doesn't really mean you're a good actor or that a... Continue Reading →

Kissy Cuddly Commies

Maybe it's just me, but if you identify yourself as a socialist in the United States and you want to be elected to the nation's highest office, maybe don't go around praising communist leaders. Last Sunday during a 60 Minutes interview, Bernie Sanders praised the increase in literacy rates in Fidel Castro's Cuba after his... Continue Reading →

Bloomy’s Slutty Slots

Did I mention in the last blog after the debate that Michael Bloomberg had a lousy night? It wasn't just that Bloomberg got kicked in the teeth by Elizabeth Warren all night long, but that he wasn't prepared at all. For example, at one point, he criticized Bernie Sanders for owning three homes despite being... Continue Reading →

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