The Iran Card

Here’s your cartoon for CNN’s weekly newsletter, Provoke/Persuade. Please sign up to get these in your inbox every Sunday for the rest of your life. Donald Trump has made it clear his assassination (and yes. It was an assassination) has nothing to do with anything except his impeachment. Donald Trump can't stop his impeachment because it's already happened. He... Continue Reading →

Imminent Attack

John Bolton, Trump's former National Security Adviser, now says he'll testify during Trump's impeachment trial if the Senate subpoenas him. Keep in mind, the Senate is controlled by Republicans who don't want anything that even slightly resembles a fair trial. And what would happen if the Senate did send Bolton a subpoena? Bolton was in... Continue Reading →


Even when it comes to war, Donald Trump fails at being presidential or even at maturity. He threatened Iran by saying he has 52 targets. That's the number of hostages taken by Iran in 1979. He also threatened to hit Iranian cultural sites, which would be a war crime. But his hit of Soleimani may... Continue Reading →


I'm going to be fair in today's column. Not with the cartoon because cartoons aren't supposed to be fair. When Eric Trump tweeted, "Bout to open up a big ol' can of whoop ass (American flag emoji #Don'tMessWithTheBest #USA#USA#USA," he wasn't talking about his father's order to assassinate Iranian general Qassem Soleimani. There's been much... Continue Reading →

Trump’s War

As you go off to fight in Trump's war, keep in mind, he doesn't respect you. He doesn't like people who are captured. He said that loud and clear. His supporters love to explain away his comments as jokes are as being misinterpreted, but he made a point to say John McCain is "only a... Continue Reading →

Drones Are Expensive

Be Complicit What kind of person would want to be part of something that disparages, slanders, and disrespects Dear Leader and his sycophantic followers? Hopefully, you.  Making a contribution supports my work and keeps the cartoons, columns, and videos coming. My income is from newspapers that subscribe to my work and small contributors. George Soros... Continue Reading →

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