Roughs, Volume 137

It's time for roughs. I think all of these were drawn last week on May 12 and 13. Yes, some of these were drawn on Friday the 13th. I didn't go with this one because I think other cartoonists have done something close to it, but I'm pretty sure none of them did it this... Continue Reading →

Roughs, Volume 133

This week's batch of roughs is a large one, but enjoy it as next week's will be very small. I'm probably not going to a do a posting next week and add those roughs to the batch the week after. I didn't know if anyone would get Thomas the Tank being hit by Putin. But... Continue Reading →

Roughs, Volume 132

I drew more roughs last week than what you're seeing here, but I'm saving a couple that may have potential for future cartoons. You'll see them eventually. I didn't go with this one as there were already a few cartoons with Mickey Mouse out there on the "Don't Say Gay" issue in Florida. There's been... Continue Reading →

Roughs, Volume 130

I drew a lot of roughs last week, plus...I'm tossing in three more from over a month ago. This is from last week after Vladimir Putin announced sanctions on several American politicians. Hillary Clinton was one of them and she was honored. I would be too if he sanctioned me. One of the people he... Continue Reading →

Roughs, Volume 129

Hoo boy, I drew a lot of roughs last week. I drew even more this week which you'll see next week. I'm tired. Here are 16 from the previous week. I just find it very convenient for Republicans to be standing up for Ukraine and its president now when in 2019, they were fine with... Continue Reading →

Roughs, Volume 126

Holy crap, we have a bunch of roughs this week. Let's get to it. I really wanted to draw this cartoon, but I had just done a Trump-toilet cartoon that went gangbusters (I mean, a lot of people liked it), so I felt this would have paled in comparison or had appeared to be riding... Continue Reading →

Rough, Volume 123

One cartoon in his batch is from last week. The rest are from this week. I was out and away from my iPad when breaking news came in Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was retiring. I should have known with the quickness I got this idea that someone else would do something similar...or basically the... Continue Reading →

Roughs, Volume 122

Hey, kids. I drew eight roughs last week and seven of them were on the Supreme Court. I liked this one but I really hate to give anything to the Lets-Go-Brandon fuckers. A lot of them would have seen this cartoon and thought I was on their side. This one might be my favorite of... Continue Reading →

Roughs, Episode 121

Here's the batch of roughs from the week before last. It's another small one, which I love. Antonio Brown was a player for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. At one point during a game a couple weeks ago, he was apparently fired from the time. Did I mention it was during the game? There have been... Continue Reading →

Roughs, Volume 118

Yup, it's that time again. It's time for roughs. And there's a lot of them this week. You may recall Thanksgiving was last week. You may also be aware that Thanksgiving typically lands on Thursdays. Thursdays and Fridays are my CNN days (they're also the days when everyone I know wants to contact me about... Continue Reading →

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