Epstein Island Willie

One thing should be made clear about the impending release of noted deceased pedophiliac millionaire Jeffrey Epstein's client list and that is, it's not a list of his clients. Righ-wing goons, vile morons, idiots, and scumbuckets such as the "anonymous" cartoonist love to use the term "client list" as if the revelation of being an... Continue Reading →

Trump’s Starr Defense

Upon hearing that Ken Starr, who probably still has files on Bill Clinton's sex life underneath his mattress, has been appointed by Donald Trump to serve on his legal defense team for his impeachment trial next week before the United States Senate, Monica Lewinsky tweeted, "This is definitely an 'are you fucking kidding me?' kinda... Continue Reading →

Ugly Impeachment Sweater

Here’s your cartoon for CNN’s weekly newsletter, Provoke/Persuade. Please sign up to get these in your inbox every Sunday for the rest of your life. We published this week's newsletter on Friday, which was a few days earlier than usual. As you see, I drew on the impeachment. It amazes me that a lot of people still don't understand... Continue Reading →

Four Pigs And An Escalator

As federal prosecutors in New York were bringing new charges against billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein, liberals were pointing out his connections to Donald Trump, excluding those with former president Bill Clinton. Conservatives were doing the same thing, except pointing out Epstein's connections to Clinton and not those with Trump. The thing is, this is not... Continue Reading →

MAGA Bomber

After bombs were delivered to two former presidents, a former presidential candidate, a former CIA director, and other officials, the very first thing Republicans did was...make themselves the victims. Republicans, who have been accusing Democrats of not having anything to run on except hatred for Donald Trump, have been campaigning on fear. Some GOP candidates... Continue Reading →

Crazy Bubba

Hillary Clinton is running in a very tight race against a lunatic and the survival of life as we know it hangs in the balance. What doesn't she need right now? Oh, I don't know. How about her husband and former president Bill Clinton stating at a rally that "Obamacare is the craziest thing in... Continue Reading →

Sleazin’ With Bill

Bill Clinton is a political genius. Bill Clinton is a student of politics. He failed in his first two attempts at public office but he learned each time and became educated on the art of politics. Then he became governor of Arkansas. And then he lost his first reelection for the governor's office. And two... Continue Reading →

Hacking Hillary

Right now Hillary Clinton might prefer talking about Bill Clinton's philandering than her email server. A State Department watchdog issued a report that Hillary Clinton violated rules over her use of a private server. We all knew that. What we did not know was the extent of it. Clinton claims she had approval to use... Continue Reading →

Bungling Bill

Former president Bill Clinton is spending as much time defending his legacy as he is advocating for his wife's presidential campaign. During his presidency Clinton signed a crime bill. This was widely supported by Republicans and a lot of Democrats. Even Bernie Sanders voted for it and it was written by Joe Biden. It did some... Continue Reading →

Pantless Pot, Meet Pantless Kettle

Straight from the "are you freaking kidding me department" comes word that Donald Trump is prepared to attack Bill Clinton over his history of philandering. That is if Hillary plays "the woman card." The reason he plans to do this is because it's entirely stupid, so it'll fit in with the rest of his campaign.... Continue Reading →

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