Voter Intimidation, 2022

Nice democracy you have there. It'd be a real shame if anything were to happen to it. That seems to be what the MAGA goons stalking ballot drop boxes seem to be saying to voters. Despite lying about voter fraud, using those lies to change laws making it more difficult for minorities to vote, and... Continue Reading →

Christmas Conspiracies

During the impeachment hearings last year, Corey Lewandowsky whined when a Congressman mentioned that Santa Claus doesn't exist. Corey was indignant because his young children were watching and now...they only had all the bullshit their father spreads to believe in. So, I hope Corey Lewandowsky's children aren't reading today's blog. If Donald Trump sat on... Continue Reading →

Deep-State Voter Fraud

What's dumber than believing Donald Trump won the election or that there's a deep-state cabal of Satan-worshipping cannibalistic lizard people running the government? Believing you can trust Donald Trump to work out a fair payment AFTER you perform a service for him. Donald Trump has been sued numerous times by contractors for refusing to pay... Continue Reading →

Once, Twice, Three Times a Trump Voter

Guess what. In the future, when nominees for the United States Attorney General are going through their Senate confirmation hearings, they will have to be asked if they're aware voting twice is illegal. No, seriously. This is another thing the Trump era has fucked up. William Barr, Donald Trump's favorite Droopy-lookalike saggy jowl toad, said... Continue Reading →

Carolina Cheaters

Republicans love to talk about voter fraud. They can't shut up about it. Never mind that there were only four documented cases of it in 2016, they can't stop yapping. They use it as a distraction, a fear tactic, and an excuse for when they lose, but when a case of it is actually discovered,... Continue Reading →

A Cereal Liar

The damage Donald Trump has inflicted on this nation in just the past few years will last for generations. Forty years from now, a couple of people will be sitting in a cafe in Paris debating if the United States is still dumb enough to elect a lying, racist, sexist, stupid, juvenile, corrupt reality TV... Continue Reading →

Counting Isn’t Cheating

Donald Trump refused to believe Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election, often calling it a hoax. He claims the investigation is a "witch hunt." He trusted Vladimir Putin's denial over American intelligence, which is part of his government. He claimed millions voted illegally and created a sham commission, now dismantled, to investigate. He campaigned... Continue Reading →

Fun With Voter Intimidation

Donald Trump has been perpetuating a massive lie since before the election, and it's that rampant voter fraud is plaguing the nation. To confront this dilemma that doesn't exist, Trump has created an "election integrity" commission. If we stay on this path then I expect future commissions on vampires, zombies, and people Trump voters who... Continue Reading →

Girl, You Know It’s True

Donald Trump is a liar. You can't trust or believe anything Trump tells you. That goes for his deceitful minions too. Despite a long track record of lying years before he started his presidential campaign voters believed Hillary Clinton was less honest than Trump. Twenty years of a smear campaign against her was very effective... Continue Reading →

Flying With Fanatics

It's bad enough having to listen to Trump nuts at family dinners, your local tavern, on the internet, Fox News, etc. Imagine getting stuck next to one on an airplane. One such passenger seated next to a Trump fanatic whipped out her camera and made a video of the guy standing in the aisle shouting... Continue Reading →

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