The Grim Toady

What's up with Mike Pence? He's an adult, a grown man. He has a wife, a daughter, a pet bunny named Marlon Bundo. He probably pays taxes even...maybe. So what's up with the constant toadying? During any speech or comments by members of Donald Trump's administration, they have to divert from the subject at hand... Continue Reading →

Trumpo Beto Veto

Beto is in the race. Are you excited? It seems a lot of people are despite the fact he's sitting around five percent in the DNC polls. If you watched Beto O'Rourke yesterday, you can tell he's excited. Beto was jumping on countertops in coffee houses and waving his arms around like he's over-caffeinated. Donald... Continue Reading →

Fishy Emergency

Please forgive me for not writing a column today, but I just spent eight hours drawing fish. I'd like to take a little time this weekend away from work, so for're just getting fish from me. Creative notes: I love drawing sharks. Also, I drew this while listening to just about every song Tom... Continue Reading →

White House Simulators

"Signing an executive order, giving a speech, and barnstorming around the country is not leadership." Is that a direct quote from Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, or even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Is it from one of the many Democrats currently running for president? Nope. It's from Mike Pence in 2014. Donald Trump wants to be a dictator.... Continue Reading →


The word Donald Trump hates hearing the most is "no." He especially hates hearing it from women, whether it's, "No, you can't barge into that teenage girls' dressing room," or from a female Speaker of the House saying, "No, you can't have money for a racist, medieval vanity project." During the last session of negotiations... Continue Reading →

THE National Emergency

Apparently, we're under a "national emergency" that will allow Donald Trump to become a dictator. No. The emergency isn't over the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Breakfast Club dancing video or a congresswoman dropping an F-bomb while talking impeachment. Trump is threatening to declare a national emergency if Democrats don't give him $5 billion to start his racist... Continue Reading →

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