He Is Grifting

As you probably already know, I'm not religious. I grew up in Christianity and I never bought into it. Even as a kid, I was extremely skeptical. I resisted being baptized and succeeded. To me, the Bible is nothing but a book full of fairy tales so it's probably appropriate Trump is selling a version... Continue Reading →

He Gets Us

If you were one of the many viewers of the Super Bowl playing a drinking game to take a shot every time Taylor Swift was shown, then you probably got hammered depending on your alcohol of choice. If you were ONLY drinking each time she was shown and your shot was one of those weak... Continue Reading →

Guilt-Stricken Romans

Republicans like Ron DeSantis and those Republican fuckers in Tennessee claim that teaching Critical Race Theory, which they believe is all black history, makes white people feel bad. Well, maybe white people shouldn't have done a bunch of horrible shitty things in the past. These are the same fuckers who claim we should teach facts,... Continue Reading →

Jesus Has Two Daddies

As I was scrolling through my news feeds yesterday, I came across a cartoon by one of my conservative colleagues. It was his annual Easter cartoon. It was smart of him to post it a few days early so his clients will have time to put it on their Easter Sunday opinion pages. Their Christian... Continue Reading →

Little Shooter Boy

America's Little Shooter Boy is aiming (pun intended) for a great Christmas...for himself. Kyle Rittenhouse is being wined (probably with Coors) and dined by what used to be the Republican establishment. Today, it's a cult. The Trump cult is grabbing onto our nation's gun culture. And one way to celebrate your gun fetish is to... Continue Reading →

If Biden Wins

You would think Donald Trump is talking out of his ass and making up wild bullshit out of desperation from losing to Joe Biden, except Donald Trump always talks out of his ass and makes up wild bullshit. Donald Trump said if Biden wins, he'll, "Take away your guns, take away your Second Amendment. No... Continue Reading →

White Jesus

Laura, one of my proofreaders, told me after I sent this in its very rough stage this morning, she had to look up the story to see what I was talking about? What am I talking about? I told her there wasn't a specific story. This was my analysis criticizing all the defenders of racist... Continue Reading →

Corona Passover

Fact: Everybody who has died from the coronavirus was going to die eventually anyway. Honestly, I expect Fox News to pick that up and run with it. The new conservative Trump cult fucknut talking point is that covid-19 is being given too much credit for killing people. Fox News and others are pointing out that... Continue Reading →

Corona Christ

Even in states that are not giving stay-at-home orders, people are being encouraged to only venture out for essential services. Essential services usually include groceries, banks, healthcare, senior care and in Florida, gun stores. What? But also, in a lot of our states, churches are defined as "essential." In 11 of the most at-risk states... Continue Reading →

Two Corinthians

If you're an evangelical and a Trump supporter and my Christmas wish to you is that your children adopt the behavior, manners, and characteristics of Donald Trump, would you find that offensive? Did I wish evil upon your children? If so, then why do you demonstrate to your children that Donald Trump's behavior isn't just... Continue Reading →

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