Climate Cliche

I don't know which is more ironic. Conservatives who deny the science of climate change who are in areas affected by natural disasters, or the same conservatives asking for federal money for those disasters while screaming against the ill effects of socialism. Wildfires are raging across the West in Oregon, California, Washington state, Utah, Idaho,... Continue Reading →

The Generous Degenerate

Donald Trump has pledged to donate $1 million from his personal fortune to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Pardon me while I remain skeptical. Why would anyone be so cynical to doubt a president's promise of a donation to help hurricane victims? We wouldn't be skeptical if George W. Bush or Barack Obama made... Continue Reading →

Cruzin’ And Oozin’

You take one look at Ted Cruz's face and you think, gee...if there is a god he must have really hated Ted before he was even born. God would not be alone in hating Ted Cruz. Hardly anybody likes the guy, except troglodytes. I have a conservative political cartoonist colleague who loves him. He voted... Continue Reading →

Schwag And Crowd Sizes

With the bar being set very low for Trump, the man is being praised for not talking about his electoral victory, Hillary Clinton, fake media, or witch hunts during his trip to survey the flood Harvey brought to Texas. However, he did talk about crowd sizes. The day started with Melania being mocked on social... Continue Reading →

Get Me To The Megachurch On Time

Joel Osteen is a mega-preacher who operates a mega-church that makes mega-moolah. Financially, Osteen is worth around $56 million dollars. Ethically, he's worth a lot less. Osteen preaches out of Houston where he promotes "prosperity theology." His televised sermons are seen by over seven million people each week, and over 20 million monthly in over... Continue Reading →

Harvey Danger

I have gone through four hurricanes in my life, so my heart is with everyone currently dealing with Harvey in Texas. However, I can't help but make fun of a red state that claims they don't need the federal government until a disaster shows up, and religious zealots who blame natural disasters on liberal stuff... Continue Reading →

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