Party Like It’s 1864

The Arizona Supreme Court ruled yesterday that a dormant law from 1864 banning nearly all abortions can be enforced, overruling a lower court decision that doctors can't be prosecuted for performing abortions after 15 weeks. The 1864 law provides no exceptions for rape or incest and allows abortions only if the mother’s life is in... Continue Reading →

Bonus Boner Cartoon

I was in the process of doing something else when I thought of this, and I stopped working on the other cartoon to churn this out quickly. I'm still going to finish the first one I started. I haven't decided if I'm going to send this to my clients or not. It's not that I'm... Continue Reading →

Oppression With The Fringe On Top

It's happening again. Another state is destroying women's constitutional reproductive rights. When one backward knuckle-dragging fucknut red state succeeds in destroying a freedom, then other backward fucknut states follow the lead. Texas basically banned abortion, made it a criminal offense, and created a bounty-hunting business for anyone to report on a person receiving or giving... Continue Reading →

Your Body My Choice

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an urgent recommendation Wednesday for pregnant women and those who have recently given birth to get vaccinated against coronavirus. This will surely piss off Republicans. The CDC reports that as of September 27, 2021, more than 125,000 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases have been reported in pregnant people,... Continue Reading →

No Wiggle Room For Women

Renting a moving truck from U-Haul to go from Alabama to Connecticut will cost somewhere between $600 to $800, depending on the size truck you need. Why did I look this information up? Because, if you're in Alabama, you need to get out. As a public service, I'm giving you an idea on the cost.... Continue Reading →

Alabama Abortion Ban

Alabama is not trying to ban all abortions in their state. They're trying to ban them nationwide. Just in case the restrictive, extreme, and unconstitutional efforts currently underway in Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, and the four other states attacking abortion rights don't push the issue fast enough to the Supreme Court (now, with even more fucknuts),... Continue Reading →

Georgia Abortion Boom Boom

Georgia Republicans are patting themselves on the back, and others nationwide are celebrating their passage of the nation's most restrictive abortion bill last week. The new law not only outlaws abortion after six weeks and granting full legal personhood to fetuses, but would allow prosecutors to file criminal charges against women who get abortions and... Continue Reading →

Georgia Heartbeats

Ever since the Supreme Court case Roe v Wade made abortion legal in 1973, wingnuts have been doing everything they can to turn the clock back to 1873. Kentucky and Mississippi have recently passed six-week abortion bans. Republican lawmakers in Tennessee, South Carolina, Ohio, and Florida are considering similar bills. Instead of mandating no abortions... Continue Reading →

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