Pope Slap

While greeting the faithful around the Nativity at the Vatican on New Year's Eve, one overly-enthusiastic worshipper grabbed Pope Francis and wouldn't let go. To break free, the Pope slapped the woman's hand twice and stormed away afterward visibly upset. Anyone who's ever attended Catholic school recognized the short slaps delivered with quick precision. They... Continue Reading →

Bernie’s Vatican Detour

Bernie Sanders took a two day break from campaigning in New York to give a speech at the Vatican. Sanders has momentum and he draws larger crowds than any of the other candidates. Last week he drew over 27,000 to a rally in Washington Square in New York City. You're not going to see those... Continue Reading →

Pope Vs. Trump

Just when you think campaign 2016 can't get any crazier, Donald Trump enters a feud with the Pope. The Pope. Pope Francis. The guy who lives in the Vatican. Yeah, that Pope. You can create a who's who list of everyone Donald Trump has feuded with, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Chris Wallace, President Obama, Hillary... Continue Reading →

Kim Davis Meets The Pope

When news hit Tuesday night that homophobic Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis had a secret private meeting with the Pope, most people reacted "wha'aaaaaaaaaaat?" There was a lot of doubt. The Pope was riding high on good will from the United States. Why would he meet with such a hater? The Pope gave a talk... Continue Reading →

Bless This Server

While I don't think the continued search and revelations into Hillary Clinton's emails will amount to much, I don't think there's any argument that she wants the topic to go away. I also don't think there's any disagreement she's not handling the issue very well. I'm officially tired of drawing cartoons with the Pope. No... Continue Reading →

Preaching To Congress

Pope Francis addressed Congress. He's the first Pope to do so. Arizona Republican congressman Paul Gosar boycotted the Pope's address because the Pope believes in Climate Change. He doesn't believe the Pope should use "questionable" science as Catholic dogma. Several politicians have taken issue with the Pope's stance on Climate Change and presidential candidates Jeb... Continue Reading →

Hangin’ With The Pope

I rejected my first idea. I was going to draw some wing nuts upset the Pope was visiting communists and then say "and he's meeting with the Castros too." I figure that idea might be obvious. We'll see in a day or so and I probably just gave the idea to someone reading this. We... Continue Reading →

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