Freed Rapists Club

A lot of rape victims never report their rapes because most men, and a lot of women, won't believe them. They often face persecution, especialy if the perpetrators are extremely powerful men. It took years to get charges and trials against rapists like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein. And even after both men were convicted,... Continue Reading →

Love In An Elevator

Comedian actor, writer, activist, and notorious lothario Russell Brand has been accused by five women of sexual assault, exposing his penis, and rape according to a joint investigation by The Times, The Sunday Times, and Channel 4, all British news outlets. Brand has denied the accusations claiming that all his relationships have been consensual. Brand... Continue Reading →

Fun With Cults

Do you know how to tell that you're in a cult? You defend yourself by saying the group you're in isn't a cult. Another good way to tell you're in a cult is if you're sending money to help a supposed billionaire pay his legal fees. If you're MAGA, sorry, babes. You're in a cult.... Continue Reading →

FBI Complicity

People, stupid ones...mostly stupid men, always ask why women don't report sexual abuse more often. The reason they don't isn't because they fear they won't be believed. The reason is because they probably won't be believed. Let's take the case of Larry Nassar. Larry Nassar was a doctor for U.S.A. Gymnastics and a professor at... Continue Reading →

Hags For Trump

Bill Cosby is free! Lock up your daughters! Fix your own drinks! Mix your own Jell-O. Finally, he can ditch prison orange and return to ugly sweaters. For months, we've been told by the Qnuts that Trump is coming back and he'll be reinstated. But Trump isn't back in the White House. He's not back... Continue Reading →

Pepe Le Cancel

Add a new one to conservatives outrage over cancel culture as news hit that Pepe Le Pew will not be appearing in the upcoming Space Jam movie. In case you don't remember, Pepe Le Pew was the cartoon skunk who literally tried to grab her by the pussy. Conservatives are NOT upset about the attempted... Continue Reading →

Grab ‘Em By The Cuomo

Goddammit, Andrew Cuomo. Stop making me draw cartoons about you. When I drew a cartoon on the scandal of Cuomo covering up the number of nursing home deaths from covid, liberals came at me. I got a lot of "but what about Trump?" and "you're drinking the Kool-Aid." The second time I covered it, after... Continue Reading →

United States Of Tara

The right-wing media keeps saying Joe Biden said he "believes all women." This morning on Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough repeated and attributed the quote to Biden. I'm not sure he actually ever said that because I can't find it. They are taking "he believes all women" from a comment he made during the Kavanaugh hearings."... Continue Reading →

Lesbian Bong Blow

Revenge porn is despicable, ugly, and unethical. So naturally, Republicans are all over it. California representative Katie Hill has resigned after revelations were made that while she was a candidate, she and her husband were mutually involved in an extramarital relationship with a female campaign staffer. Hill has acknowledged this. Her estranged husband has claimed... Continue Reading →

Arias And Maduro

This cartoon was first published on February 15, 2019, in The Costa Rica Star. While Nicolas Maduro's reign of terror continues in Venezuela, and he starves out his people while rejecting humanitarian relief, former two-time president of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Prize winner Oscar Arias continues to see accusations of sexual assault stack up.... Continue Reading →

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