Healthiest Blockhead Ever

Donald Trump went on a talk show to deliver a doctor's report on his health. The show was hosted by a Doctor Oz, proving this election cycle that we are definitely not in Kansas anymore. I'm sorry to report while on the show with Doctor Oz that candidate Trump didn't ask or receive a heart... Continue Reading →

Someone’s Sick

If I was a conspiracy theorist, like most conservatives, I would believe that Hillary Clinton is faking her pneumonia just to troll Trump supporters to prove how deplorable they really are. Last week Clinton had a coughing fit at a rally and conservatives had a fit. Speculations went from her having a cold to Parkinson's... Continue Reading →

Hillary’s Health Scare

The current arguments against Hillary Clinton must not be good enough reasons for people to vote against her. The GOP is pushing the narrative that she's a liar despite the fact they have a nominee that only tells the truth about 10% of the time. They're still pushing the email server issue and the Clinton... Continue Reading →

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