
I saw at least two cartoons last week arguing that raising the minimum wage in California will cause mass layoffs and store closures. Sure, some businesses will decide they can't afford to remain open or to retain all their employees, but I also smell a load of crap. One of the right-wing cartoons made the... Continue Reading →

The End Is Nearish

Here’s your cartoon for this week’s CNN Opinion Newsletter. Please sign up to get these in your inbox every Sunday If we're really headed toward the apocalypse, then what's taking it so long? I just saw a headline and thought it was really good satire until I read the story and realized it wasn't. Then I Googled it... Continue Reading →

Shakey Conspiracy Theories

Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks Friday's earthquake and tomorrow's eclipse are signs from God. If that's the case and God is trying to tell us something, then it should be noted that the epicenter of the earthquake was about six miles from Trump's New Jersey BedBug and Breakfast golf course at Bedminster. A lightning bolt also... Continue Reading →

Bark At The Moon

On Friday, Qanon conspiracy theorist who also happens to be a member of Congress for some stupid absurd reason tweeted, "God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens." Yeah, I wish the voters in Marjorie Taylor Greene's... Continue Reading →

Roughs, Volume 225

Ding-Dong! Roughs are here. We have a small batch this week. This was drawn last Tuesday, March 26. I was in the process of finishing it when this idea hit me and I went with it instead. This was also drawn on Tuesday, March 26 and I rejected it. This was drawn last Friday, March... Continue Reading →

Shitler International

Remember when nobody liked an asskisser? Remember when the teacher's pet was the least popular kid in school. What happened? Nobody respects a bootlicking toady but this goes beyond that. This is straight-up cultist. A few Republicans in the House have introduced a bill to rename Dulles International Airport after Donald Trump. I first saw... Continue Reading →

Gaza Eclipse

Seven aid workers were killed when the Israeli military bombed their convoy. The World Central Kitchen has provided 43 million meals to Palestinians in Gaza since the start of the war in October but now say they're ending their work there, at least for now, and sent three ships back to Cyprus that contained hundreds... Continue Reading →

Fleeing Florida For Freedom

Yesterday on April 1, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that the State Constitution’s privacy protections do not extend to abortion, which paves the way for Florida's fucknut Republicans to ban the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy. And it wasn't an April Fools' joke. The ruling was 6-1. It should be noted that all seven... Continue Reading →

Ketchup Bath

I guess when Trump said there would be a bloodbath if he didn't get what he wanted, he was talking about the stocks in his media company. Or maybe he meant it would be a ketchup bath. Trump's media company, Trump Media & Technology Group, made a big debut last week on the Nasdaq stock... Continue Reading →

The Law-and-Order Terrorist

Donald Trump attended a funeral on Long Island for a New York City policeman who was killed in the line of duty. Trump used the cop's death to make a political statement, to contrast himself with President Joe Biden, and called for "law and order." The most bizarre thing about this is that the cop's... Continue Reading →

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