Smooth Transition

Republicans are all for stuff like democracy and free elections, that long as they get the results they want. It's like being given freedom of speech as long as you say the right things. Not liking the election results, Republicans, led by Donald Trump, are screaming that massive fraud occurred and that's the only... Continue Reading →

Live Blog 2020, Post #2

This is a play on what I tweeted last night. Biden beat Trump in the nation's first vote, 5-0, in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire. Tip Jar: if you want to support the live blog, please send a donation through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 9103, Fredericksburg, VA 22403.

Live Blog 2020, Post #1

Just warming up, kids. Tip Jar: if you want to support the live blog, please send a donation through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 9103, Fredericksburg, VA 22403.

Live Blog 2020

The tradition continues, kids. This year, it's coming to you live from Washington, DC. I am a short walk from the the White House. The only thing between me and it are a few blocks, thousands of cops, military, Secret Service agents, attack dogs, and a huge chain link fence. Tonight, I'll be sitting in... Continue Reading →

Super-Spreader Winner

Sometimes people forget that I draw for news outlets and not for social media. This is a post-election cartoon because my clients will need something to put on their pages for Wednesday before they know who won. It's kinda hard to draw these without making them suck. One thing is for certain beyond Tuesday and... Continue Reading →

Hurry Up, Election Day

Here’s your cartoon for this week’s CNN Opinion newsletter. Please sign up to get these in your inbox every Sunday. I'm already seeing posts on Facebook saying, "Only nine more weeks 'til Christmas." If you're one of those people, I'd like to say, go to Hell. I personally believe there should be a law prohibiting the display... Continue Reading →

Holiday Power Grab

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has no shame. The man isn't afraid of exhibiting blatant hypocrisy. He's not ashamed of stealing power. He's not ashamed of preventing bills from being voted on. He's not ashamed of changing the rules to put the least acceptable people on the Supreme Court. He's not ashamed of stealing a... Continue Reading →

The Morning After

I am drawing for the days after the election. As I wrote yesterday, the window for election cartoons is closed. I still might do something on Jim Comey as that'll probably be discussed beyond Tuesday. I know you're on Facebook. Everyone is on Facebook. I have friends whose dogs are on Facebook. Those dogs might... Continue Reading →

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