GOP Junkie

Republicans are very excited about the Hunter Biden trial while also not paying close attention to it.

They’re making a lot of noise over the “laptop from Hell” being introduced as evidence, rejoicing that it’s real and the prosecution’s witness claims it wasn’t tampered with. But keep in mind, the prosecution is the Department of Justice and the witness is also a member of the Department of Justice. Also, why is a stolen laptop that’s been in the hands of goons being used as evidence? Even if it hasn’t been tampered with, it seems to be it can be used as a reason for a mistrial.

Republicans and Fox News also overlook that there’s still nothing on the laptop that implicates Joe Biden. And don’t tell me “ten percent for the Big Guy.” The email about a deal that never went anywhere was followed by another email saying the “Big Guy” wasn’t interested and never says who the “Big Guy” was. Also, this deal was while Joe Biden wasn’t in office. It wouldn’t have been a crime for a former vice president to engage in a legal foreign business deal. If you disagree, then explain to me as if I’m stupid why it’s not OK for Biden to do it but it’s fine and dandy for a former president (sic) to be in bed with Saudi Arabia and his golf courses.

Also, the only “news outlets” interested in the laptop appearing during the trial for six seconds are the goon outlets like Fox News, which must mean it’s not actually important. I’ve already read one article from Fox News that was extremely misleading if not actual lying.

What is important is why there’s a trial and what the charges are. The next time you see some MAGAt comments about this trial, ask them what Hunter Biden has been charged with.

Hunter is not on trial for his drug addiction. He’s not on trial for unpaid taxes (that’s another trial). He’s not on trial for there being sex pics on his laptop. He’s not on trial for anything that has to do with his laptop. He’s not on trial for being a scumbag or having a child out of wedlock with a stripper. Most importantly, he’s not on trial for anything that involves his father, President Joe Biden.

Hunter is on trial for lying on a form to purchase a gun, assuring he wasn’t doing illegal narcotics when he was purchasing the gun. From what we’ve heard during the trial, it seems that was a lie. The thing is though, this is something that’s rarely prosecuted and is usually a charge tacked onto other charges.

Hunter Biden is being prosecuted for this because he’s Hunter Biden. If this was anyone else in the nation, it would probably be dropped because it’s a waste of time. How much taxpayer money is being spent to punish Hunter for lying while buying a gun? And the trial may continue for several more weeks.

The other thing is, Hunter had made a deal with prosecutors. Now, he’s being prosecuted by the same prosecutors who were originally satisfied with the deal they made with Hunter…until a judge appointed by Donald Trump told them they weren’t. Maybe those prosecutors should have to explain why it was previously good to make a deal but now it’s not. What facts changed?

All I care about with this is that it’s a fair trial and if there’s a guilty verdict, a fair sentence. I don’t want the justice system to be used on a partisan basis. I am not attached to Hunter Biden. He was a sleazy guy, maybe he still is. He used his dad’s name and influence to make money (which isn’t illegal). He has a daughter he doesn’t seem to have a relationship with and tried to avoid supporting her financially. And that whole thing with his brother’s widow becoming his girlfriend is just icky. Ew. It’s no skin off my back if he’s found guilty. But I don’t think it’s funny to attack drug addiction the way my conservative colleagues do. How can someone lecture us about Jesus while including a crack pipe in every one of his cartoons about Hunter? This is why Republicans’ idea of a funny person is Greg Gutfeld. I’m sure Jesus would find a pompous condescending snarky asshole hilarious too.

By the way, wasn’t Rush Limbaugh a drug addict too? That’s a rhetorical question because he was a drug addict. I would still like an explanation as to why Donald Trump is so sniffy.

Meanwhile, as a lot of other people have pointed out, this is the first time ever that Republicans are claiming someone shouldn’t have been allowed to purchase a gun.

Quite frankly, I don’t think anyone should be allowed to purchase a gun if they’re addicted to the Orange Kool-Aid. How can you aim a gun with your head up an orange ass anyway? That doesn’t sound safe for anyone, and think about the children…and when I say “children,” I don’t mean Kyle Rittenhouse.

Music note: I listened to Pearl Jam’s Dark Matter.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I have five copies and you can order yours, signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only 16 copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00

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7 thoughts on “GOP Junkie

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  1. A blog I follow about all the Trump and Hunter shenanigans has several articles where she points out that during the drug years Hunter lost several laptops and iPhones and when you look at content from different ones and the cloud there appears to be hacking and tampering with data. The whole thing is bs.

    The blog is Emptywheel

    Liked by 6 people

  2. I’m always amazed that the MAGAt crowd gets so worked up about Hunter having a gun for 11 days (that he never used), which Sniffy McSnorty Junior has guns and shoot animals (and god only knows what else) with his! They’re such hypocrites. SMH. Off with their heads!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Is Pearl Jam’s “Dark Matter” anything like “Jeremy?” Another good song about a terrible gun situation.


  4. Christian hypocrisy continually fries me. I haven’t been religious in decades, but was brought up to be. I just wanna rub all their collective noses in the Gospels and words of Jesus, and then explain why they do and say what they do and say when it is so completely against scripture.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Gotta ask Clay… you are super clever in the world of Easter Eggs. 34 is the State of Kansas, 34th President, Ike, also from Kansas all wrapped up as a reference to ‘Operation Wetback’ and the likelihood of history repeating itself? We ain’t in Kansas any more Toto… Or are we?


  6. Well said @clayjones – Hunter is a drug addict and that is it. The laptop and all the other stuff have nothing to do with this case. I do not understand how the cult GOPeeeee want to charge a person for owning a gun – isn’t that contrary to everything they stand for when it comes to gun-rights? On a sympathetic note – Hunter is an addict who will always need help. I’m concerned he will relapse and that will be disastrous. but then I guess that is want the cult GOPeee and the convicted felon so desperately want, especially in the midst of the election cycle and voting.

    Liked by 2 people

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