Burning For Trump

Maxwell Azarello may not have been a Trumper, but he was a conspiracy theorist like Trump. Yesterday, he died after setting himself on fire outside the Manhattan courthouse where Trump is currently on trial for his hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. This is Trump's response to his supporters. Thousands are losing... Continue Reading →

Kevin Was Here

Before Speaker Mike Johnson made the required pilgrimage to MAGA-Lardo to kiss Trump's ass, hosts on Russian state TV discussed the meeting/ass-kissing as a deciding factor on whether Ukraine will receive more U.S. aid or not. While doing so, state TV host Olga Skabeeva claimed Johnson was "theirs," just like Trump. Johnson has been pushing... Continue Reading →

Shitler International

Remember when nobody liked an asskisser? Remember when the teacher's pet was the least popular kid in school. What happened? Nobody respects a bootlicking toady but this goes beyond that. This is straight-up cultist. A few Republicans in the House have introduced a bill to rename Dulles International Airport after Donald Trump. I first saw... Continue Reading →

Orange Antichrist

I don't understand fundamentalists. They act holier than the rest of us. They claim they're closer to God, Jesus, angels, etc, etc. They scold us for voting for Democrats who aren't Jesusy enough. They claim to support family values while excusing a guy who's a liar, an adulterer, and who's broken the majority of the... Continue Reading →

Delayed By Sheeple

One of the many lovely traits of MAGAts is that they project. They accuse Democrats of lying while pushing debunked conspiracy theories and backing a guy who told over 30,000 lies in a span of four years. They accuse their political opponents of treason when they're the ones who engaged in an insurrection. They claim... Continue Reading →

Make Nepotism Great Again

I along with many others have been saying over the past few years that the Republican Party has become a cult to Donald Trump. If Republicans in Congress voting against a border security bill they helped create because Trump told them to kill it isn't proof enough, then take a gander at the Republican National... Continue Reading →

You’re The Worst

President Biden's signature accomplishment which ranks him in the top third of our nation's best presidents is his ouster of our worst president (sic). Sure, the Infrastructure bill, distribution of vaccines against COVID, and leading an international coalition against Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine are all great accomplishments, but defeating Donald Trump in the 2020... Continue Reading →


There were expectations that the blizzard hitting Iowa would decrease turnout for the Republican caucuses on Monday. The political and weather prognosticators were right. Iowans talk about how tough they are and how they're used to the cold January weather, but since these particular Iowans are Republicans, they're liars. The turnout last night for the... Continue Reading →

Perjury Dum-Dum

For Marjorie Taylor Greene to win her case to prove she's qualified for Congress, she has to play dumb. Playing dumb and stupid should be extremely easy for the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene because she got a head start. The only problem here is that it's difficult to tell when a moron is playing... Continue Reading →

Qanon Shaman Ding Dong

Jacob Chansley, the Qanon Shaman, was just handed 41 months in prison for his involvement with the white nationalist insurrection that Donald Trump ordered to overturn an election he lost and install him as a fascist dictator. You remember Jacob Chansley (who also goes by the name Jake Angeli and Jake From State Farm). He... Continue Reading →

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