Trust The Science

One word I've always hated in politics is "tolerance." It seems like a very low bar to get over. Think about it. If you come to a party at my house and I say that I will tolerate your presence, that sounds kinda rude and that there's something seriously wrong with you. It sounds like... Continue Reading →

Happy Costa Rica Trolling

This cartoon first ran in The Costa Rica Star, April 12, 2019. I'm taking a break from drawing for the Star so this will be my last for the publication for the foreseeable future. I just now noticed I forgot to erase inside the woman's eyes. Be Complicit What kind of person would want to... Continue Reading →

Russian Troll Farm

Today, we're going to start with the basics and have a lesson on trolls. No. Not the mythological trolls who live under bridges, though some of these trolls would probably live under a bridge if that bridge was also a Wi-Fi hotspot. We're going to talk about internet trolls. Now, if you do not post... Continue Reading →

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