A Hunka-Hunka Delusional

Donald Trump posted to his social media platform a photo of his face spliced with Elvis Presley's and suggested they look alike. Now, we can add Elvis with Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela to historic figures Trump compares himself to while quoting Hitler. He posted, "For so many years, people have been saying that Elvis... Continue Reading →

Kiss Off

Henry Kissinger is dead and he does NOT belong in Heaven. Sure, I don't actually believe in shit like Heaven and Hell, but when your top concern is if the paparazzi will notice the movie star you're dining with in a swanky Manhattan restaurant after a long day of bombing children, you're not going to... Continue Reading →

Trumping Nixon

These are the last days of the Trump era, unless you're a Qanon cultist, then you think it's the beginning of the second Trump administration and we're all going to be surprised on December 8th, then December 14th, then January 6th, and now on January 20th. You'll see. That final ace up Trump's sleeve hasn't... Continue Reading →

Two Tricky Dicks

Here’s your cartoon for CNN’s weekly newsletter, Provoke/Persuade. Please sign up to get these in your inbox every Sunday for the rest of your life. Arguing the House Judiciary Committee should be denied obtaining grand jury materials from the Mueller investigation, the Justice Department said the decision to release secret grand jury materials to the House in 1974, when... Continue Reading →


Donald Trump is not a history buff. But "buff" is not a word usually associated with Trump. If Trump even had a cursory knowledge of history, or at least of the office he holds, he'd stop channeling Richard Nixon. Out of the 44 presidents before him, Nixon is the one president Trump should bone up... Continue Reading →

Heed The Tramp Stamp

As I was wrapping up this cartoon, Trump was on TV surrendering to Nancy Pelosi, thus proving this entire Trump shutdown was a huge waste of time over his ego. In fact, he's still ranting as I'm writing this. I don't think he can rant his ass out of eating shit today. If anything, Roger... Continue Reading →

Emenies List

Paul Conrad, perhaps the greatest political cartoonist in American history, was furious when he found out he wasn't on Nixon's infamous enemies list. It turned out he actually was when the second list was revealed. A second list? Nixon hated a lot of people. Conrad later said being included was his greatest distinction, and he... Continue Reading →

Tricky Woulda Thunk It

D'oh! The White House was shocked, dismayed, surprised, bewildered, caught off guard, gobsmacked at the backlash they received for firing FBI Director James Comey. They thought everyone would like Trump firing the man leading an investigation into his campaign coordinating with the Russians. Hey, at least the Russians like the firing. Of course these are... Continue Reading →

It’s Tricky

Sometimes a cartoonist has to be careful that he may love the drawing so much that the idea isn't actually very good. I had to ask myself that tonight as I love drawing Richard Nixon. I don't get many opportunities because, you know, he's dead. My very first convention for political cartoonists took place in... Continue Reading →

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