Fudge Christmas

I don't begrudge Melania Trump for her comments about Christmas. I'll say it too. Fuck Christmas stuff. Fuck Christmas decorations. Bold, eh? I just don't really care and most Christmas music, to my ears, is total crap with there being only four good Christmas songs. OK, I don't totally hate Christmas. I think it's just... Continue Reading →

Feliz Navidad

As you celebrate the holidays this season, take at least a moment and think of the nearly 15,000 children currently detained in Donald Trump's child prison camps. Most of the migrant children are teenage boys from Central America who crossed the southern border unaccompanied. Most were escaping gangs or poverty and are seeking asylum in... Continue Reading →

Christmas Award

This is the only cartoon I've drawn this year with a Christmas theme. If you were expecting one, sorry about that. No, I'm not sorry. This cartoon is dated for Christmas day, when I plan to pretend to be Jewish and order Chinese food and watch A Christmas Story at least twice. Thank you for... Continue Reading →

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