Hunter v. Jared

The House Oversight Committee is one of the most powerful in Congress. It's the main investigative body in the House and one of only three committees where the Chair can issue subpoenas without a full vote of the committee or consultation with the Ranking Member. Between 1997 to 2002, The Republican Chair, Dan Burton, issued... Continue Reading →

A Lair For Liars

For years, yes...years, Republicans have been accusing President Biden of being corrupt. Goons like James Comer, Jim Gym Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz have NOT been implying it, they've been saying it out loud. In the real world, that could get you sued for defamation but in politics, you use it... Continue Reading →

Conspiracy Love

The rough for this cartoon was in the batch I posted Friday and out of the 18 ideas in the post, this is the one readers kinda went ape over. It got more reactions, shares, and comments on Facebook than my finished cartoons have been receiving lately, and a lot of readers asked me to... Continue Reading →


If I had told you earlier that I was going to draw a cartoon about Lauren Boebert and whacking, you would have expected something else, right? Lauren Boebert, the dumbest member of Congress which is saying a lot because there's also Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Ken Buck, Jim Gym Jordan, Andy Biggs, Scott Perry,... Continue Reading →

Bye-Bye Mittens

Senator Mitt Romney says he's retiring and leaving the future of the Republican Party to the next generation. Unfortunately, the next generation of the GOP is in a theater jacking off her date. We had a good time making fun of Mitt, didn't we? He was a majorly out-of-touch venture capitalist millionaire who owned multiple... Continue Reading →

Bobo Bobo Bobo

Lauren Boebert, the dumbest stupidest most ignorant person in the House of Representatives was kicked out...of a theater. Darn it. I know. You were hoping she was kicked out of Congress. Unfortunately, being a yeehaw fucknut dumbass racist isn't grounds to be removed from Congress. What happened was... Bobo went to see the musical Beetlejuice... Continue Reading →

Upright Marjorie

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a knuckle-dragging hateful anti-semitic troglodyte bigot. She's spread anti-semitic and racist conspiracy theories. Has compared mask mandates to the Holocaust, blamed Jewish space lasers for California wildfires, and stalked Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and survivors of school shootings. Naturally, she's an election-denying MAGAt who supports white nationalist domestic terrorists who attacked... Continue Reading →

Crazy Copies Crazy

A feud between lunatics Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert was inevitable. C-Span cameras caught the two bickering on the House floor Wednesday and at one point, MTG called Bobo a "little bitch." When asked later about the tiff, Bobo said, "I'm not in middle school," which we're kinda sure she did graduate from. When... Continue Reading →

Congressional Dum-Dums

Diane Feinstein needs to resign from her seat in the United States Senate, not because of her age but because her health has deteriorated to the point that she can't give California the representation it deserves. I don't think anyone in the Senate, Democratic or Republican, is asking her to resign. Republicans have actually put... Continue Reading →

Bow-Chick-A-Wow-Wow Boebert

My proofreader Laura said the only thing that would make this cartoon better would be if I was the guy in the middle. NO THANKS! I'm single but I don't put myself on the single scene. I don't do online dating and I don't go to clubs for singles (do they still exist?). But if... Continue Reading →

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