St. Patrick’s Green New Deal

Here's this week's cartoon for CNN's weekly opinion newsletter, Provoke/Persuade. We originally started out planning to do a cartoon on the college cheating scandal. The producer and I had a long talk about it Thursday night and we both thought it'd still be the largest issue of the week by Sunday. After seeing the rough... Continue Reading →

Grounded By Socialism

A Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed in Ethiopia Sunday, killing eight Americans. On Tuesday, Trump tweeted, not to offer condolences to the victims and families, but to complain that "Airplanes are becoming far too complex to fly." Trump argued that "old and simpler is far better" than new technology being used in cockpits. He finished... Continue Reading →

A Toon For The Deranged

Sycophants of Donald Trump accuse his critics of suffering from TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome. They claim liberals, Democrats, and Never Trumpers in the Republican party react irrationally to everything Trump says and does, paying little attention to the details, his actions, and his successes. They claim people like me hate Trump just because he's Donald... Continue Reading →

Nasty Republican Sock Drawer

Republicans have an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fetish. Who can blame them? But still, while hating everything she stands for, they're making it clear that it's more about her than about the positions she's advocating. Take the Green New Deal as an example. The Green New Deal is a resolution pushing the United States 100% renewable, zero-emission... Continue Reading →

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