Leaking To Rudy

Sinister forces are attempting to manipulate this election in favor of Donald Trump and not enough people care. What's worse is that too many people are falling for it. While many people can't vote for Hillary Clinton because they believe she exposed U.S. intelligence to our nation's enemies, they're perfectly fine with Russia supporting the... Continue Reading →

This Cartoon Is Badinov

The only thing surprising about a weiner disrupting Hillary Clinton's campaign in the final week is that it doesn't belong to Bill. The FBI is NOT supposed to involve themselves in elections. That's the CIA's job to do in other nations. The bureau swears they're not despite director, and Republican, Jim Comey issuing a letter... Continue Reading →

Patriot’s News Source

People who support Donald Trump believe he'll give them everything they want. He'll give them their country back. I just wonder what Vladimir Putin wants to do with the United States. What baffles my mind, but not really, are all those Tea Party jerks who spent the years of the Obama presidency screaming "I want... Continue Reading →

Devil Of A Leak

Wikileaks dumped a bunch of transcripts from Clinton's meetings with Wall Street players and emails between her and figures within The Clinton Foundation. They are being overshadowed by the leak of the Trump groper video. U.S. intelligence says the Russians are hacking into the Democrats' computers in an attempt to influence our presidential election. It's... Continue Reading →

Hillary’s Health Scare

The current arguments against Hillary Clinton must not be good enough reasons for people to vote against her. The GOP is pushing the narrative that she's a liar despite the fact they have a nominee that only tells the truth about 10% of the time. They're still pushing the email server issue and the Clinton... Continue Reading →

Hillary’s Foundation

A conservative watchdog group has released a bunch of emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state which raises a lot of questions about the relationship between the department and her charity, The Clinton Foundation. When Clinton took the job as head of the State Department she promised there wouldn't be any overlap between... Continue Reading →

Are You Being Served?

I drew this last night sitting in a tavern. People go out to drink, socialize, and forget work. I go out and work. That is my fun. I'm a nerd. I did have some good Mini Elvises, which are tiny cheeseburgers. I posted this cartoon on Facebook last night with the comment "what do Bernie... Continue Reading →

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