Barr Chokes Justice

Eric Garner's death at the hands of New York City police was one of several fatal encounters that gave life to the Black Lives Movement. It has been five years since Garner's death and justice still has not been served. It's events like this that totally justifies the BLM movement and protests, such as kneeling... Continue Reading →

Meanwhile, At Comic Strip Of The Day

Comics Strip Of The Day used my cartoon and several others to talk about how cartoonists covered the State Island Grand Jury's inability to see justice. As usual the written commentary by the host is most excellent. Check it out.

Caught On Camera

Seriously? No indictment from the Staten Island grand jury on the cop killing Eric Garner? It's on camera. The police say the choke hold was illegal. Forensics said it's a homicide. Cops really do luck out with grand juries. We've been yelling for body cameras but after this it's pretty clear no amount of evidence... Continue Reading →

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