Notes Between Dictators

The dictators of Russia and North Korea got together last week and had themselves a little dictator summit. What we got out of the summit was bullshit typical of fascists. The only thing missing was Donald Trump. What may be most unique about this summit is that it was in Pyongyang, the capital of North... Continue Reading →

Trump Is For Lovers

You know Russia isn't doing well in its war with Ukraine when it has to grovel to North Korea for ammunition. This is another sign that Putin underestimated Ukraine when he illegally invaded that sovereign nation. Who starts a war knowing he's going to run out of soldiers and bullets? Russia has hired mercenaries to... Continue Reading →

Free Press Free Kansas

One of the greatest dangers to this nation is our loss of freedom and what contributes to that is that so many people can't recognize when our freedom is under attack, such as your right to vote or a women's right to make decisions over her own body. But another that's in danger is the... Continue Reading →

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