The Shammity of Hannity

Yesterday, the Pulitzer Prizes announced the winners for 2017 awarding some of America's best journalists. Ironically, on the same day, we got a reminder of one of America's worst. Fox News' Sean Hannity has told his audience and critics time and time again that he is not a journalist. Sure, he's on a news channel... Continue Reading →

Trump Love Child

"Enquiring" minds want to know. Is there a Donald Trump love child out there? A love baby The Donald didn't want anyone to know about? And it's not Eric? As Trevor Noah said on his show, every kid in America who doesn't know his father is panicking right now. It does sound far-fetched that Trump... Continue Reading →

Raiding The Fixer

Donald Trump said the raid on his private attorney's office is an attack on our country and what we all stand for. Apparently, we all stand for money laundering and paying porn stars hush money. Michael Cohen is less of an attorney and more of a personal fixer. It helps when you have a law... Continue Reading →

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