Woke Cows

So now I hear that the crowd always whining about "cancel culture" are locking their sights on Chick-fil-A? Wait a minute? Chick-fil-A? Are we talking about the same Chick-fil-A that's given millions of dollars to anti-LGBTQ hate groups? Is this the same Chick-fil-A that conservatives circled the wagons around a few years ago after liberals... Continue Reading →

Vax That Salad

I had a stop-the-presses moment last night. Like I do every day, I had jotted down potential topics to cartoon about. Some of the topics are heavy subjects, like immigration, the debt ceiling, Texas abortion, missing indigenous people and Gabby Petito, Haiti, Trump's lawsuits, etc, etc. As I said before, I like to have a... Continue Reading →

Hater Chicken Concedes

After a brouhaha erupted over Chick-fil-A supporting hate groups, conservatives rallied around the chicken sandwich people. Conservatives rallied by posting photos of themselves on social media eating chicken sandwiches. That was their idea of sticking it to liberals. It was another form of tribalism. It doesn't matter how abhorrent conservatives are, the base will rally.... Continue Reading →

Meat Kills

I've drawn too many cartoons on food lately. I've drawn two on McDonald's (one was local for Utah), I drew the Iowa corn cartoon last Saturday and now this. Food is either hitting the news too much or I need to start eating more than one meal a day. I'm hungry. The World Health Organization... Continue Reading →

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