Heimlich and Harpies

No, I don't really think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a harpy. I just liked that title for the blog. I'm a huge fan of hers. This is the AOC dress idea I almost passed over. I didn't need to do another cartoon on this issue, but I really liked this idea. Still, I was aiming to... Continue Reading →

Republican Fashionistas

Here’s your cartoon for this week’s CNN Opinion newsletter. Please sign up to get these in your inbox every Sunday.  I did a cartoon last week on AOC and her Met Gala dress. It was the same concept as this one, with a different message on a dress. I didn't even think about what other cartoonists were... Continue Reading →

Horrifying Fashion

I read comments by right-wing morons (I know...redundant) saying it was hypocritical for Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to attend a $35,000-per-ticket event in a very expensive dress with the words, "Tax the rich" on it. Republicans are very bad at comprehension and getting points. Actor Michael Rapaport tweeted, "Custom TAX THE RICH dress while at the... Continue Reading →

Creepy White Female

Nobody ever asks me anymore, "What are you going to draw now that Donald Trump isn't president (sic)?" Just like there will always be cops because there will always be crime, I will always have material because there will always be right-wing troglodyte abhorrent bullshit. I had a lot of days where Donald Trump made... Continue Reading →

Capitol Freaking Beaches

Congress is full of bitches. Bitches like Rand Paul, Matt Gaetz, and Ted Yoho. Congresswoman Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick, is being yelled at by a bunch of dicks. Liz had the gall to say something nice about Dr. Anthony Fauci, a man GOP talking points have labeled as the enemy. She's also said things... Continue Reading →

Feel The Endorsements

Hillary Clinton doesn't have to do anything newsworthy for Republicans to obsess over her. They haven't stopped talking about her on a daily basis since 2016. Donald Trump's not over her and continues to tweet and talk about her at his hate rallies. Last week, I saw at least three cartoons by Republican political cartoonists,... Continue Reading →

No Soap For you

The accusation that detention centers holding migrant children are concentration camps doesn't necessarily mean they're being compared to Nazi death camps. But, there are definitely some soap Nazis among Customs and Border Protection. In fact, this week, the Trump administration went to court to argue that migrant children detained at the U.S.-Mexico border do not... Continue Reading →

Dinosaur Snowball

Conservatives are not good with humor, especially when they try to use it to make a point. Usually, the only point they've made is that they're morons. In 2015, Republican Senator from Oklahoma, James Inhofe threw a snowball on the Senate floor to prove Climate Change doesn't exist. What's even more messed up is that... Continue Reading →

St. Patrick’s Green New Deal

Here's this week's cartoon for CNN's weekly opinion newsletter, Provoke/Persuade. We originally started out planning to do a cartoon on the college cheating scandal. The producer and I had a long talk about it Thursday night and we both thought it'd still be the largest issue of the week by Sunday. After seeing the rough... Continue Reading →

Grounded By Socialism

A Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed in Ethiopia Sunday, killing eight Americans. On Tuesday, Trump tweeted, not to offer condolences to the victims and families, but to complain that "Airplanes are becoming far too complex to fly." Trump argued that "old and simpler is far better" than new technology being used in cockpits. He finished... Continue Reading →

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