Evil Twin Trump

White House spokesgoon Kayleigh McEnany stood before the press corps and said Donald Trump never downplayed the coronavirus. Yet, in Bob Woodward’s recordings, Trump said, “I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down.”

Sean Hannity said it wasn’t Donald Trump who downplayed the virus. It was Joe Biden. Yet, in those recordings, it was Donald Trump, NOT Joe Biden, saying, “I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down.”

Sean Hannity also compared Donald Trump to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt by saying, “During World War II, with the country on the brink, FDR proclaimed: ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Did the media attack him? Of course not.” Showing just how much cultists suck at history, FDR made that quote during his first inauguration in 1933 which was nearly a decade before World War II. But I digress.

During a town hall a couple nights ago, that Laura Ingraham described as an “ambush” because Trump wasn’t asked softball Fox News type questions like, “Why are you so great and terrific smelling?”, Donald Trump was asked why he downplayed the virus. He said he never downplayed the virus and in fact, he “up-played” the virus. But that’s really odd because, on that Woodward recording, Trump is heard saying…wait for it…””I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down.”

I have a difficult time believing all three of them, McEnany, Hannity, and Trump, who is the president (sic) of the United States of America, would all collectively lie to us (that’s sarcasm just in case I’m not laying it on thick enough). So, what’s the explanation for hearing Donald Trump say on a recording, “I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down,” yet it not being him saying it?

There has to be an explanation. Why, it must have been…Donald Trump’s evil twin, Damien Trump.

I mean, it all makes sense now. No president in today’s world could ever be so racist to say racist stuff like, “Send them back,” Mexicans are “rapists and murderers,” and “shithole countries,” or call someone “Pocahontas,” or retweet Nazis and “white power.”

No president could be so stupid to say stupid shit like, “raking forests,” or “windmill cancer,” or support Qanon conspiracy theories.

No genuine president would ever weaponize the Justice Department and have it run by a goon like William Barr.

No law-and-order president would ever ask a foreign nation to help with his political campaign.

No president would be so petty to feud with Goldstar families, celebrities…children.

No president would so willingly attack his predecessor and accuse him of “spying on his campaign” and committing treason.

No president who respects the Constitution would try to host summits at his golf resorts, attempt to get golf tournaments at those resorts, ignore the emolument clause, or hold the Republican National Convention on the White House lawn. No lawful president would ever suggest serving three terms.

No American president would have such praise and boot-licking worship for a Russian president. No president would say he prefers dictators over democratically-elected leaders. No American president would trust a dictator over his own intelligence agencies. No American president would ignore Vladimir Putin placing bounties on the heads of American troops.

No American president would hold service members in disdain and refer to them as “suckers” and “losers.”

No president would start his administration lying about crowd sizes. No president would have such disrespect for his constituents by telling over 22,000 lies within four years.

No president would refuse to be president for states that didn’t vote for him. No president would place the lives of Americans over his own self interest.

No American president, unless he was insane, would do the things I’ve listed above, so it must be the evil twin theory. That has to be it. Donald Trump has an evil twin and he’s been working on Making America Worse Again from day one. Except, there’s just one problem with my theory.

If Donald Trump had a twin, I’m pretty sure he’d be the evil one.

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7 thoughts on “Evil Twin Trump

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  1. You mentioned FDRs famous quote, so I went out to Wikipedia and found it. Toatlly moved by what FDR said in that Inaugural Address. 25% unemployment, failure of the banking industry and a focus on material wealth, it all sounds so familiar. Yet he still believed in the system and worked with Congress to find a solution. There was a quote at the bottom of the page by Sarah Love: “Any man who can talk like that in times like these is worthy of every ounce of support a true American has.”
    We’ve come so far as a nation, only to fall so short of our ideals. We, as a nation, have become the modern Greek Tragedy.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    The only way to get through this insanity … “No American president, unless he was insane, would do the things I’ve listed here, so it must be the evil twin theory. That has to be it. Trump has an evil twin and he’s been working on Making America Worse Again from day one. Except, there’s just one problem with my theory.

    If Trump had a twin, I’m pretty sure he’s be the evil one.” … there’s no doubt in my mind: he IS the evil one!!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Rachel Maddow talks about what the Ki45*TF Administration is actually DOING – not merely discussing – to deal with COVID… basically let… no, FORCE… the Virus to spread Unhindered through the Entire U.S. population to achieve “Herd Immunity”… or as Ki45*TF calls it, “Herd Mentality”…

    Rachel “Runs The Numbers” to show how many Americans that Ki45*TF Plans To Kill to “Achieve Herd Immunity”… “Best Case” over 2,000,000 DEAD… “Worst Case” over 6,000,000 DEAD…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. And we still don’t know how long that “herd mentality” will last. A lot of information out there says he won’t be reelected. Or maybe the phrase should be “no mentality”.
    And that info about “herd immunity” looks like maybe 3 months. So, let’s kill all those people and still not have immunity that lasts long enough. So far I have read about 2 people who had the virus, got over it, tested negative twice, and 3 months later got it again. As long as it keeps mutating, it will be like having to get a flu shot every 3 months. Ugh.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve been reading Cohen’s book. Trump is just as racist as we thought he was. Though we were told we were hyping it up and overreacting–He meant just what we thought he meant. He calls them “sh**hole countries” because they’re run by black people. He hates Obama because he’s a black man who’s way better at everything than Trump. He does think of Mexicans as murderers and rapists.

    But there’s no way he could *really* have meant it that way. He was just joking….. *eyeroll*

    Liked by 4 people

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