Soc It To Him


Megan Rapinoe is a badass soccer player. She scored both goals for the U.S. in their 2-1 win over Spain on Monday in the Women’s World Cup. She’s scored 47 goals in 156 games. She’s also a badass because she’s not taking anything from Donald Trump.

Rapinoe is an outspoken supporter of L.G.B.T.Q. rights. In 2016, she became one of the few white athletes to join Colin Kaepernick and others in protesting against racism and police violence by kneeling during the national anthem at sporting events. She’s also a party to her team’s gender discrimination lawsuit against U.S. Soccer.

When asked if women soccer players should make the equivalent as their male counterparts or more, Trump talked about how the issue should be studied but he felt the men make more money and draw a greater attendance for their games. As usual, he’s wrong. It has been studied. The women draw more fans and make more money for U.S. Soccer than the men. Case closed. Pay them equally. This is something Donald Trump can’t come out and support because he’s Donald Trump.

When asked if she would accept an invite to the White House if her team wins the World Cup, Rapinoe said, “I’m not going to the fucking White House.” This upset Trump who said she should wait for them to win before declining, despite the fact she was asked the question. Then, Trump went on a Twitter tirade against Rapinoe, who has been joined by a few teammates in refusing to visit the White House. Trump also decided to go after the NBA for their teams not visiting the White House. Ya’ know, Big Macs and racist sexual offenders just aren’t that popular with some people.

Rapinoe has called Trump “sexist,” “misogynistic,” “small-minded,” “racist,” and “not a good person.”

He’s not a good person. Good people aren’t rapists or sexual attackers. Columnist E. Jean Carroll has joined the long list of women who have accused Trump of sexually attacking them. Carroll’s accusations extend from an uninvited groping, which Trump has boasted about doing to women, to actual rape.

Trump’s first defense was that they never met, despite more than one photo surfacing of them together. Later, his defense was, “She’s not my type.” Oh, really? So, what type of women do you prefer to rape? Must they remind you of your daughter?

Donald Trump is an idiot and he’s too stupid to defend himself.

Over 20 women have accused Trump, who says “they let you do it if you’re famous,” and “grab them by the pussy,” of sexually attacking them. Trump has denied each one while going after Democrats who have been accused of lesser offenses. Trump defends Republicans who have similar accusations with, “well, he denied it.”

What sort of nation have we become, and how desensitized are we, that an accusation of rape against the president of the United States has a lot of us going, “eh, heard it before?” How can you believe a man after over 20 women have accused him?

Trevor Noah brilliantly points out that if someone accuses you of pooping in your sink, you have some credibility in denying it. But, if 25 people say you pooped in your sink on separate occasions, he’s going to believe you poop in your sink. I think that was his analogy. Donald Trump is pooping all over America.

For those women who have accused Trump, he’s not their type, despite him being rich and famous. Even if she weren’t gay, I’m sure Trump would not be Rapinoe’s type. And for that matter, he’s not America’s type. He’s Putin’s and racist America’s type.

Hopefully, in November 2020, we elect someone who is more our type, and not a raping sink pooper.

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3 thoughts on “Soc It To Him

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  1. Once again Clay, well said! But the cultist fuckwits have orange coloured glasses on and they will find pathetic excuses for the facts that are thrown in their faces. They’re a pathetic and hypocritical lot. If Obama or either of the Clintons did a fraction of one of the things that tRump has done, these pathetic hypocritical Assholes would demand their heads. Funny how that works.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ” Rapinoe has called Trump “sexist,” “misogynistic,” “small-minded,” “racist,” and “not a good person.” ”

    i think Ms. Rapinoe showed remarkable restraint in her evaluation of the president*.

    Liked by 3 people

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