A Cereal Liar


The damage Donald Trump has inflicted on this nation in just the past few years will last for generations. Forty years from now, a couple of people will be sitting in a cafe in Paris debating if the United States is still dumb enough to elect a lying, racist, sexist, stupid, juvenile, corrupt reality TV show host.

Trump sycophants with daddy issues believe their deity has restored international respect and prestige to the United States. In reality, he’s brought scorn and ridicule. Donald Trump is an international dumbass.

The sycos are mad at CNN’s Jim Acosta and believe Trump was right to pull his White House press credentials. They accuse him of being a prima donna and disrespecting the president. At the press conference where Acosta infuriated Trump, the reporter prefaced a question about the caravan by pointing out that it’s not an “invasion.” Why did Acosta do this? Because he doesn’t work for Fox News.

It’s a reporter’s job to push back when a politician lies, especially such blatant Trump lies. That’s why Trump goes to the Daily Caller, a wing-nut publication that won’t push back.

Yesterday, Trump gave an interview to the Caller where he again lied about voter fraud in Florida. But, he compounded his usual stupid lie with an even amazingly dumber one. He said, “When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote and they go around in circles. Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again. Nobody takes anything. It’s really a disgrace what’s going on.”

It is a disgrace what’s going on. It’s a disgrace that the president of the United States doesn’t just engage in conspiracy theories but also invents them. It’s a disgrace that the reporters he does talk to don’t call him out on it. But, it gets even dumber.

While arguing for voter ID laws, he said, “If you buy a box of cereal — you have a voter ID. They try to shame everybody by calling them racist, or calling them something, anything they can think of, when you say you want voter ID. But voter ID is a very important thing.”

Trump made the claim last August that you need an ID to buy groceries as if going to Kroger is the same as entering The Viper Room. But, needing an ID to buy cereal? Yeah, maybe if you’re a silly rabbit because Trix are for kids.

And changing shirts to vote again? The pollsters would have to be really stupid to be unable to recognize your face because you changed shirts. That’d only work in a Republican primary.

Trump should bounce his lies off a committee, so they can take a vote on whether the lie is too stupid for a president to tell. Of course, any lie Trump tells passes the smell test for his followers, but how about lies for the rest of us? How about something with a little uncertainty, that’d at least make you Google? Some of us aren’t Tomi Lahren.

But, telling us thousands of illegals in an invading caravan full of Middle Easterners desiring to commit cereal fraud isn’t going to swing it. That’s just a Honey Bunches of Bullshit.

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10 thoughts on “A Cereal Liar

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    1. Seriously! My state doesn’t have ID laws, but I have to sign a slip of paper, after signing a log next to a copy of my original signature, then they tear the slip out of the booklet. It’s kiiiinda hard for me to vote twice when they’ve already got a signature on that logbook.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Please blame the GOP for bringing this enormous shame on the USA.
    The electoral college was rigged with repugnant republicans “in charge” of the electoral college to vote in dump even though he lost the popular vote by over 3 MILLION VOTES.
    Something so screamingly obvious and fishy that the stench as not left this country.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. “Donald Drumpf is the Charles Manson of American politics. It’s very important to see that Drumpf can have clean hands. He can invite other people to express his destructiveness so he doesn’t have to carry it out. For Drumpf, words are the equivalent of weapons. Drumpf does not need a gun. Words are his bullets. He enables other people to buy their own guns and fill the barrels with his tweets and just shoot people. It’s a very disturbing quality.”

    – article from Alternet talking to a clinical professor of psychiatry at the George Washington University Medical Center and a physician with more than 40 years of experience in psychoanalysis. Dr. Justin Frank.

    and trump also suffers from a “god complex”…

    “This is why Donald Drumpf always says things such as, “I have the best words,” or “I’m the smartest person, I know things other people don’t.” Together such comments signal something extremely disturbing. As a psychoanalyst it appears to me that Donald Drumpf is presenting behavior of what is called “unconscious grandiosity.” Donald Drumpf is close to thinking that he is God. It’s called the “God complex” and it’s essentially saying, “I know more than anybody else.” At some deep level Donald Drumpf thinks he is the deity and he does in fact know more than anybody else. Drumpf believes that he is God as a manifestation of a defensive grandiosity, in order to compensate for his ignorance and not really knowing things.”


    Liked by 3 people

  3. The Cereal Liar is one of the best political cartoons I’ve yet seen…. and I’ve been checking out political cartoons for many years. I’ve even seen quite a few from long times ago. Bravo!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This cartoon made no sense to me. After I read what Trump had said, it still made no sense to me. Trump should go someplace and play quietly with the toys in his head and let sane adults govern the country. I do not include any Republicans in Congress among the sane adults, because they all seem to think that Trump makes sense and is at least an adequate leader.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I got my Raisin Bran, went out to the car, changed hats and doubled-back to get a box of Cheerios. It was awesome! Nobody in the store figured it out! It was like the president read my mind! Tomorrow, I’m gonna do it again for the Milk.

    Liked by 1 person

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