
If someone accuses you of being insecure, your best defense wouldn't be shouting at the top of your lungs that you're not. Secret diplomatic cables from United Kingdom ambassador Sir Kim Darroch to various members of the UK government were leaked this week, probably by someone in the UK government who is pro-Brexit. The cables... Continue Reading →

Why Are You Here?

The White House, Trump Campaign and Organization has always presented Ivanka Trump as the voice of reason within the Trump Family. She comes off soft-spoken and eloquent without engaging in tirades like her imbecilic father. She doesn't send out racist tweets like her brother Don Jr. She's not the stupid one like Eric. I don't... Continue Reading →

Laughing With Nikki

The United States' ambassador to the United Nations is doing something unusual. She's leaving the Trump administration without her middle finger in the air. She's not being forced out for a scandal, quitting in anger, or discovering she's being fired through Twitter while sitting on a toilet. The former governor of South Carolina is one... Continue Reading →

Big Trouble In Little China

Before Japan invaded China in World War II China was in the midst of a civil war between the nationalist government and communist. They ceased fighting each other (somewhat) to fight the Japanese. After the war they picked up where they left off and when the commies won the nationalist fled to the island of... Continue Reading →

You Never Hold My Hand And Skip With Me

The Saudi kingdom is not very happy with President Obama or the United States right now. In the past, the Saudi king literally held hands with president Bush. They wouldn't even meet Obama at the airport. The Saudis are unhappy with issues ranging from the conflict in Yemen, the role of Iran, Lebanon's instability, the fight... Continue Reading →

War With Russia

I resisted joining the herd of political cartoonists drawing turkeys to symbolize the nation of Turkey. Did Turkey plan to jump in American news the week of Thanksgiving? They could have timed it better for cartoonist by giving their turkey cartoons a few more days of shelf life. A lot of people who declare we... Continue Reading →

Dr. Sleepy Tackles Foreign Policy

I love listening to Ben Carson explain foreign policy, or any issue really. It's like listening to a three-year-old child explain trigonometry. It's cute. Word comes out now that Dr. Crazy McSleepy Pants doesn't understand what his foreign policy advisers have been telling him. Duane Clarridge, a former CIA agent (who was involved in Iran-Contra... Continue Reading →

Obama’s Afghanistan

On Thursday Obama officially gave up ending the war in Afghanistan. It was something he vowed to do before he was elected. This has to be a huge disappointment for the president. Despite killing Osama bin Laden and other terrorists, mostly through the controversial drone program, most people (not just Republicans) give the president low... Continue Reading →

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